4 Truths About Smoking Cigarettes

You all must be aware that nicotine is harmful to your body. But not only nicotine, there are other 7000 chemicals present in the tobacco which are also quite dangerous for health. It alone can cause 70 kinds of known cancer. Dr. Dan J. Raz, an assistant professor in the Division of Thoracic Surgery, stated that "The lungs of someone who has been a long-time smoker almost always appear abnormal. 

They are usually darker from pigment and tobacco residue and often have a different consistency compared to healthy lungs. Healthy lungs have a spongy consistency, whereas smokers' lungs are often baggy, like a deflated balloon." 

One of the most dangerous factors of smoking cigarettes is that it harms you and all other people around you. So, when you smoke, you do not only risk your health but also of others who are your friends and family. 

The only way to avoid the drastic effects of smoking is to never start it. Still, however, if you are already an occasional or regular smoker, you need to quit it now to save yourself and others around you.  


Dr. Raz says, "Quitting smoking is the single most important thing a smoker can do for his or her health." 


Following are some myths about smoking debunked for you.  


Smoking Sometimes Won't Hurt  


It is a common conception that occasional smoking does not hurt anyone. And the individuals who smoke only in gatherings can escape the risk. This is not true, and never think you will be safe even after smoking so occasionally.  


Brian King, the deputy director for research translation in the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, says, "We know that every cigarette you smoke is doing you damage. There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke." 


Furthermore, he says, "We know that smoking just one to four cigarettes a day doubles your risk of dying from heart disease. And heavy smokers who reduce their smoking by half still have a very high risk of early death." 


Quitting is Hard  


Some people are of the view that quitting smoking is hard, and if you are a regular smoker, then it is too late for you to quit. Dorothy Hatsukami, a director of tobacco research programs at the University of Minnesota, has stated that "If you quit at any age, you will improve your health and quality of life." 


Brian King says, "Quitting gives your body the chance to heal the damage that has been done by smoking. Those benefits are going to be realized almost immediately after you quit." 

The cigarette companies should make the pre-roll cigarette boxes (https://stampaprints.com/cigarette-boxes/) exciting with the myths that circulate around about smoking instead of cliché smoking warnings to make people aware of the hazards of smoking.  


Risk for Women  


The women who smoke have higher risks in the pregnancy period. They tend to have a premature delivery. Moreover, it gets very difficult for women to conceive a baby in the first place. And the risks after delivery also increase; for instance, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the most common which smokers’ women face.  


E-Cigarettes Are Safe  


It is a myth that E-cigarettes are completely safe. They are not. Flavored e-cigarettes are one of the reasons why individuals get popcorn lungs. They cause breathing problems and also can be the reason for lung cancer.  


Hatsukami says, "What we don't know is what the long-term effects are when people use e-cigarettes." 


The Final Thought  


There are so many myths that circulate around smoking cigarettes. Do not believe them all, and always do research on your own first. Smoking seriously causes harm to you and your loved ones. So, go cold turkey in case of quitting smoking and be safe from this life-threatening habit.  



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