4 Truths About Smoking Cigarettes

You all must be aware that nicotine is harmful to your body. But not only nicotine, there are other 7000 chemicals present in the tobacco which are also quite dangerous for health. It alone can cause 70 kinds of known cancer. Dr. Dan J. Raz, an assistant professor in the Division of Thoracic Surgery, stated that "The lungs of someone who has been a long-time smoker almost always appear abnormal. They are usually darker from pigment and tobacco residue and often have a different consistency compared to healthy lungs. Healthy lungs have a spongy consistency, whereas smokers' lungs are often baggy, like a deflated balloon." One of the most dangerous factors of smoking cigarettes is that it harms you and all other people around you. So, when you smoke, you do not only risk your health but also of others who are your friends and family. The only way to avoid the drastic effects of smoking is to never start it. Still, however, if you are already an occasional or regu...