4 DIY Ideas You Can Use on Cigar Boxes

Smoking is an un dying fashion – pun intended – that has been prevailing all around the globe for ages now. Cigars – the rolled bunch of dried and fermented leaves tobaccos – have become a symbol of class in the smoking milieu. They come in all sizes and shapes, and so do their boxes. Today, we will apprise you about the techniques you can practice to make your cigar boxes useful even after you have smoked up the entire pack. You can always craft these boxes according to your choice, but we have picked out a few fun and essential DIY fashions for you. Kindly go through the following ideas to unlock new gateways of imagination. Cigar Box Musical Instrument It is a pretty fun idea to show your creativity to your friends and family. You can transform the used cigar box into a piece of your liking. Today, we will help you make a small musical instrument with the help of such packaging. The cigar boxes can also act as a frame of the guitar...